Child Maltreatment Reporting Form

Date of Report: 1/17/2025

If you feel this child(ren) is in immediate danger, please call 911. If you are unsure and/or would prefer to speak to a Child Protection social worker, please call Anoka County Child Protection at 763-324-1440 and a social worker will assist you with your report.


Please provide as much information about the child as possible

Other Child NameDOB/AgeGenderSchool/Daycare 


Please provide as much information about the parent as possible

Child Resides with

Alleged Perpetrator

Please provide as much information about the Alleged Perpetrator as possible

Additional Questions

Please provide as much information as possible


Please provide as much information about the reporter as possible

Reason For Report


Attach Files

Please attach any pictures (jpeg), pdf, or other documents to support the report

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